VMware Cloud Solutions to Drive Digital Transformation
Viyu has partnered with VMware to offer you virtualization and cloud services on a framework to meet the needs of your company. Viyu consultants work to streamline the journey for organizations so they become fully digital businesses that both deliver superior experiences to their customers and empower employees to do their best work.
VMware builds, runs, manages, connects, and protects all software through superior virtualization products and services. Companies can access their data virtually, which gives them the highest level of security, operations, and consistency.
Through VMware virtualization, companies have the freedom to build and deploy modern applications, from the data center to multiple cloud and edge environments. Its infrastructure is designed so companies can seamlessly move between environments while ensuring that all data and applications remain secure and protected.
Why is virtualization and cloud adoption so important for today’s companies?
VMware virtualization offers lower upfront and maintenance costs and are easier to operate for constant on/constant access environments. Now companies can view performance data while making it easier to respond to emergencies or immediate customer needs. There are many reasons to pursue virtualization and cloud adoption. They include:
Greater Security
Transferring to the cloud allows companies to focus more on business goals, but it also means someone is monitoring cybersecurity around the clock. Virtual hosting offers protection by backing up your files, running virus scanning software, setting up firewalls and spam filtering, updating the OS, and running security audits.
Automatic Backups
Part of the ease of mind that comes with greater cybersecurity protections is having data backed up automatically and secured in case of a hack or other emergency. Having a managed hosting provider handle backups creates accountability should there be any loss. Without this kind of management, there is a greater chance of data loss.
VMware virtualization and cloud services give customers access to services, hardware, software, system administrators, and engineers that together would be far too costly if brought in-house. All of these hidden operating costs are eliminated, which frees up budgets that can now be allocated to growing the business or scaling up staff.
Greater Budget Clarity
In the past, companies budget emergency money on technicians and other support staff when problems came up with their network or infrastructure. With VMware cloud services, companies now have an exact number that covers all of those services, which gives them greater budget stability.
Greater Monitoring
Offsite managed hosting services give companies 24-7 monitoring, which promises greater safeguards against potential cybersecurity threats. Now companies can detect vulnerabilities that could impact the productivity of the business.